BODIE, CALIFORNIA- Written in Stone
The timeline of graves in BODIE, CALIFORNIA -WRITTEN IN STONE- tells the story of HOW a 1860 "pick and shovel” mining claim went from a mining summer-months-tent-camp to the BODIE MINING DISTRICT with a 190 members Miners’ Union with a Union Meeting Hall Building, constructed in 1875.
Written on the headstone are the names of who lived and died in Bodie. The three sections of the fenced cemetery, also reveals the names of who was allowed a "proper burial". Inside the fence was reserved for the "respectable town folk", and "outside the fence” in the unmarked graves are buried the “fallen women”, horse thieves, gunslingers, murderers and Chinese.
Documented with photographs, BODIE, CALIFORNIA timeline tells the story of Bodie "a lawless mining claim”, --- to Bodie- a town with a postoffice, 120 saloons, a school, a fire department and an electrical generation plant and a “chinatown”.
BODIE, CALIFORNIA historic timeline is a window into the BODIE MINERS’ UNION and HOW the "1932 Fire" destroyed ninety percent of the buildings in the town. Bodie's timeline of dates is a valuable resource for all to enjoy.
(92 pages, 61 pictures)